Interviews are an integral part of the hiring process, and video production interviews are no exception. To make sure you make the best impression, it's important to prepare in advance. Doing research on the person you're interviewing, creating key messages, and understanding the project timeline are all essential steps to take before the interview. Additionally, it's important to be aware of the types of questions you may be asked and how to answer them.
With these tips in mind, you'll be ready to ace your video production interview. Before the interview, it's important to do your due diligence. Reach out to everyone you want to interview in advance and conduct a brief pre-interview by phone or in person. This will help you get enough details about the person you're interviewing so that you're intensely curious about the right things.
A short video call before the interview is also a great way to establish a good relationship and get an idea of what the person on camera might be like. It's also important to create three key messages that you want to communicate in your video. Make them clear, concise, and influential or inspirational. Then write them down and analyze all the interview questions as a filter. This will help you avoid information overload. When it comes to scheduling, it's important to communicate your ideal timeline to your video team while you're in the planning phase.
This will help avoid missing deadlines as you move forward with the project. Additionally, let the content of the video drive the length of the video rather than setting a specific runtime in advance. When answering questions during the interview, be sure to mention what you did to contribute to the success of any previous productions. This will demonstrate to the interviewer that you will use similar skills in this job. Additionally, provide an overview of your professional experience and emphasize your experience as a video producer, depending on the position advertised. If you follow these steps before hiring a video producer, you'll save time, reduce confusion, and create a video that you and your team can be proud of.
With these tips in mind, you'll be ready to ace your video production interview.